Kwan Sau is a relatively complex rotating arm motion which can be used to block or roll out of a trap and is found in the dummy form.
Rolling hands block; Usually Tan and Bong combo, that is connected to the use of Po Pai Jeung. The Kwan Sau is related to the Silver Scissor hands from White Crane, in structure and use. The actual energy rolls the hands. This action is hidden in the transition from the Har Lo Cha Jee Sau transition to Chung Lo Cha Jee Sau (Lower X Gan Block rolling up to Middle Gate X Gan Block); Also called Ng Fa Sau or Tieing Flowers Hand
In the Forms:
A version can be seen in Chum Kiu, Biu Jie and in the Baart Cham Dau (eight cutting ways) forms. A version is also in the Siu Lim Tao but is not obvious (opening section making the centre line.)
In Chi Sau
Can be an effective way of attacking if attacking your opponents centre line if you find yourself on the inner gate when rolling.
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